Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I love exercising.  People may not believe that to be true given that I probably weigh twenty pounds more than I should (I also really love eating good food, hence this blog!).  But, I really do love to exercise.  I do best when I'm following a program or working towards a goal.  I've successfully trained for three half-marathons, various 5 and 10km races, and numerous sprint triathlons.  But, truth be told, I can be a bit lazy and easily fall out of the exercise habit.  I know that I don't make enough time to allow exercise to be a priority in my life - an issue that predates motherhood.

To that end, I've decided to dedicate time to myself. Time to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.  Time to realize that my health and wellbeing is just as important as anyone else's.  Time to be alone with my thoughts.  I've made it a goal to do this for every day for three months.  I'm about three weeks in so far and have yet to miss a day.  Some days I go to spin class, some days I swim, and some days I go to a cardio class at the gym. Most days, I just walk for thirty minutes.   Regardless, I'm getting out for thirty minutes of activity each day and I feel great!

I made a similar goal last winter and was successful at completing my 30/30 challenge.  But for some reason, I still didn't intergrate exercise in my life. What I've since come to learn is that I don't need big training goals and I don't need to try to be an Olympic athlete.  I just need to be me and that me is a healthy woman who dedicates 30 minutes a day to herself!

What healthy habits are you working towards?

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